Mutayoba Arbogast

Is Tanzania Forging ahead with Innovative Diaspora Policies, Balancing Challenges and Opportunities in 2024

Tanzania Forges Ahead with Innovative Diaspora Policy, but the dual citizenship debate continues.

In a significant move to harness the potential of its diaspora, Tanzania has finalized a special status framework from December 2023.

The government's focus is on empowering Tanzanians abroad to contribute substantially to the country's development. Unlike its neighboring countries, Tanzania is opting for a unique approach, steering away from dual citizenship in favor of a special status arrangement.

This innovative framework addresses key concerns raised by the diaspora, allowing them to enter the country, own land, and access financial services. The intention is clear—to create an enabling environment for Tanzanians abroad to actively participate in the nation's economic endeavors. In the last year, the diaspora's financial contributions have witnessed a significant surge, with investments in properties like houses and plots experiencing a notable increase of Sh2.2 billion from 2021 to 2022,culminating in a total of Sh4.4 billion.

This upward trend not only highlights a burgeoning interest in real estate but also emphasizes the diaspora's steadfast commitment to contributing to Tanzania's economic and social sectors, as outlined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation. However, the path forward is not without its challenges. The ongoing debate on dual citizenship among legislators reveals a division of opinions.

While some advocate for the importance of special status, emphasizing the protection of Tanzanians' rights abroad, others argue for the adoption of dual citizenship, citing its prevalence in only 49% of countries globally. Amid this evolving diaspora landscape, businesses are experiencing varying degrees of success. Real estate ventures, in particular, are thriving, capitalizing on the returning population's diverse skills and resources. Nevertheless, the lack of a well-formulated and applicable diaspora policy poses a barrier to comprehensive engagement and hinders the full realization of the diaspora's potential contributions.

Tanzania's diaspora encompasses individuals with diverse backgrounds—those leaving for career development, economic reasons, and political or security concerns. The government's strategic move to implement a special status and target engagement reflects a broader shift in the perception of African governments towards their diaspora, recognizing them as positive actors and valuable contributors to development.

As Tanzania pioneers its diaspora policy, the global shift in African governments' perception of their diaspora is evident. The emphasis on special status and targeted engagement reflects a strategic move to harness the diaspora's potential for sustainable development. The coming months are poised to define the success of this policy shift, with both opportunities and challenges shaping the narrative of Tanzania's diaspora engagement in2024.Tanzania is set to pioneer a diaspora policy aimed at tapping into the immense potential of its citizens living abroad.

This strategic shift reflects a broader trend across African nations, recognizing the diaspora as a pivotal contributor to sustainable development. Over the past decade, African governments have evolved their perception, acknowledging the diaspora's role as a bridge connecting knowledge, expertise, resources, and markets for the development of their countries of origin.

While Rwanda and Benin have successfully implemented diaspora policies, Tanzania faces a challenge due to the lack of a well-formulated and communicated strategy. The success stories of these policies include Rwanda's emphasis on cohesion, information empowerment, and active participation in socio-economic development. In contrast, Tanzania's current absence of a clear policy hinders comprehensive engagement and strategic focus.

The ongoing debate over dual citizenship highlights a divide among legislators, with some advocating for a special status approach, while others push for the adoption of dual citizenship. These differing opinions underscore the challenges in defining a unified strategy that addresses the diverse needs of Tanzanians living abroad.

The outflow of remittances from Tanzania surpassing the inflow by almost three times raises concerns. Poor or missing data quality and reliance on estimates from various institutions make it challenging to accurately assess the impact of remittances on the country's economy.

Additionally, the prevalence of informal remittance channels adds complexity to tracking these financial flows. In steering its path towards diaspora engagement, Tanzania stands at the crossroads of challenges and opportunities, with the absence of a clearly defined policy.

The unfolding narrative of the Tanzanian diaspora in 2024 hinges on the government's adept navigation of hurdles and the implementation of impactful policies.

Opportunities lie in the potential alignment of the diaspora with key sectors, with businesses in real estate, technology, and sustainable ventures poised to attract substantial investments.

To forge a successful path forward, the government must strategically tap into the diverse skills and resources of its citizens abroad.

Fostering an environment conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation will be pivotal, encouraging the diaspora to contribute significantly to East Africa's economic growth.

As Tanzania positions itself for diaspora engagement, the cultivation of strategic partnerships, supportive frameworks, and targeted incentives will be crucial, propelling the nation towards a dynamic and mutually beneficial relationship with its diaspora in the coming year.

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