Mutayoba Arbogast

Friends of Bukoba join hands to see Bukoba become a town.

Friends of Bukoba join hands to see Bukoba become a town.

The Friends of Bukoba (FOB) is a Forum formed by diaspora and local adults to discuss issues of Bukoba and Kagera Region in general towards development.


It has people from all walks of life ranging from teachers to professors, monks to bishops, parliamentarians and senior government officials, experts in all fields, and young people.


FOB is one of development stakeholders, advocating for togetherness in amplifying for Bukoba town development and Kagera Region in protecting what it already has, while aggressively pursuing additional opportunities as they come.


Dr Deogratias Rweyongeza (PhD, P.Biol), Coordinator and co-founder of FOB, who is based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in a video clip recently to members of community and public towards new year 2024, urged members and well-wishers to come more stronger to see their core goal of Bukoba development and Kagera region is met.


He said that the government is doing a good job now, by building various infrastructures like modern roads in town, rehabilitation of  Kemondo and Bukoba ports, and the proposed bus stand terminal and central market, but these infrastructures  must go hand in hand with other infrastructures such as  construction of Kajunguti airport in Missenyi District, which once was on government records, but then was unheard no more until the accident of Precision aircraft, 6November 2022 crashed into lake Victoria about 500 meters from Bukoba airport runway, when it was attempting to land, with 39 passengers, 24 survived the accident.


News went around that Kajunguti airport would be a right choice, but then a strong silence!


"Let us raise our voices about this airport which is very important in unlocking Kagera economy and potentials", said Dr  Rweyongeza.


So, FOB created a Gmail account spreadsheet for public to sign, showing discontent of being grabbed their land and resources (capital and human) to another region with no concrete reasons, which received hundreds of signatures.


Various development stakeholders opposed the proposals including Kagera Region Members of Parliament who issued their own statement on the matter saying that "Guided by our patriotism for the Kagera region and our nationalism for our nation, in any case, the proposal to divide the Kagera region has no benefits for the development of the Kagera region historically, socially, politically and economically. For those reasons, and others that will be given below, we do not agree with the argument of dividing Kagera region".


Thanks to the Diaspora who joined complacent home community to amplify their voices.


"Under a seven-year Strategic Plan (2023/2030) we shall be focusing on repositioning Kagera Region. All the players must work as team to attain our goals. It is unfortunate that Kagera Region has been lagging behind economically being ranked 25th among the 26 regions in Tanzania Mainland, said Mwassa, before Kassim Majaliwa, Tanzania Prime Minister when he was on a working tour in the region this year.


Furthermore  Mwassa said that Kagera region has abundant investment opportunities including tourism along Burigi Chato National Park, minerals such as gold, nickel and the Lake Victoria fishery resources.


The 2023/2030 Strategic Plan aims at repositioning of the region, which is ranking 25th out of the 26 regions of Mainland Tanzania.


Its GDP in 2022 stood at 4.3tri/- while citizens Income per capita was 1,455,866/- compared to the national average of 2.6m/-.


One of the mega projects listed for development as the 85mUS dollars (approx. 20bn/-) is Fish Cage Farming Project located in Bukoba district.



Towards the Signing Ceremony between Permanent Secretary President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PO - RALG) and consultant engineers, which was witnessed 15 December2023 in Bukoba by Mohamed Mchengerwa, Minister of State PO - RALG whereby various projects worth 23bn/-under Tanzania Cities Transforming Infrastructures and Competitiveness (TACTIC), will be implemented, is a good move to put the town on right track.


Bukoba is among the 15 towns to receive TACTIC tire 2 projects execution.

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